24th April 2017

We’ve had a really good first week back and the children have been working really hard.

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be focussing again on time and will be telling the time to the hour and half hour and develop our understanding that the big hand is the minute hand and that the short hand is the hour hand. We will also be writing the time in words for example ‘half past six’. We will be using language relating to the days of the week and months of the year. We will also be comparing, describing and solving practical problems for time [for example, quicker, slower, earlier, later] and measure and begin to record time.

English – This week we will start our new unit of non-fiction writing and will be learning to write a non-chronological report on an insect. We will be asking questions about insects and record them using a question mark, identify the features of a non-fiction book, begin to recognise and use alphabetical order, use a non-fiction text to find information and pick our the relevant information and we will be solving riddles to discover the insect being described.

Science– Children will continue their animals and human science topic with Mrs Evans.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse. Children will also have a PE session on Friday with Miss Handley.

RE- We will start to learn about our new religion Hinduism.


Congratulations to Simone, Lucas and Alana who received a merit card this week.

Well done to all of you who have brought in your garden. I have been so impressed with them all. They are all different and are AMAZING! So thank you to all of you who helped your child produce brilliant homework. Take a look at some of the gardens below. Just so you know the gardens will be displayed in school for this half term as I want to show other year groups the brilliant homework we have produced then at the end of this half term the children can take their gardens home.



Other Information

On Friday 28th April we are having a whole school photo so please make sure your child is at school on this day.

Year 1 had an exciting delivery on Friday 21st April. Our caterpillars have been delivered and will enhance the children’s learning for both our science topic and our topic for this term. We will be able to witness the caterpillars transform into a butterfly and the stages that happen in this life cycle. We have 10 caterpillars and are really excited to watch them grow and transform into a beautiful butterfly. Check out our tiny caterpillars below (they’re the tiny black splodges!)