It is already the 2nd week of the Spring Term

After an eventful week with our workshop, we are having a busy week ahead, which sees us start our new Class Novel (Room 13).


  • Dividing 4- by 1-digit numbers with remainders.
  • Using the inverse to check and correct my calculations (multiplication & division of 4- by 1-digit numbers).
  • Identifying square and cubed numbers.
  • Solving mathematical problems using multiplication and division of 4- by 1-digit numbers.


  • Writing, editing and reflecting on our instructions.
  • Making predictions using a range of evidence from a text.
  • Empathising with and exploring characters through role-play.
  • Orally retelling a story using boxing-up.

Science: Further exploring forces (friction and air-resistence).

Spanish: Using the Spanish names for pets.

ICT: Exploring prior knowledge of coding and Scratch.

Geography: Locating places of interest on a UK and World-Map.