Week beginning 8th March 2021


Welcome back Year 6, we have missed you! Below you will find our learning objectives for the week:

English – Our first few sessions will see us plan and write a book review, based on our class text – Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. From midweek, we shall begin our new class text, Macbeth – by William Shakespeare. Although we will be looking at different adaptations, this week will see us evaluate the language of the witches scene and be able to retell key events from the story.

Maths – 

Day 1 – Multiplying fractions by integers.

Day 2 – Multiplying fractions by fractions.

Day 3 – Dividing fractions by integers.

Day 4 – Dividing fractions by integers.

Day 5 – Four operations and fractions.

Science – It is British Science Week this week. To celebrate this, we shall be taking part in a virtual lesson run by Dr. Mandy Hartley. Here is a blurb about what we shall be learning:

Did you know that ancient skeletons have many secrets waiting to be uncovered?

Through the examination of DNA, scientists and archaeologists know how our Stone Age ancestors lived, what they ate and even what they looked like. Want to find out how they do this? Join, Dr Mandy Hartley, science communicator the author of The DNA Detectives Series to learn how DNA can be taken from bones to uncover the mysteries of the distant and not so distant past. Mandy will also share interesting facts about DNA with your class as well as demonstrate how they can take DNA from a banana using simple kitchen equipment in their homes. She will also explain how DNA is used by scientists in real life situations from solving crimes, to developing vaccines to feeding the world.

RE – We shall be starting to learn all about Holy Week.

RHE – We shall be learning all about Pantasaurus this week.

Geography – We shall be looking at how volcanoes have shaped the islands of Japan.

PE – Tower Class will have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from now on. QE2 Class will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children will need to come in to school in full PE Kit.