Week beginning 8th July 2019

What are we learning this week?


Maths –

*   I can describe, understand and compare the volume of shapes.

*   I can estimate the volume of a shape/body.

*   I can estimate the capacity of a shape/body.

*   I can apply columnar method in addition and subtraction.

English –

We shall be writing and editing our persuasive texts about reducing plastic at Howard Primary School.

Music – After our amazing concert last week, we shall be having our lessons with Mrs Hughes this week.

RE – We shall be talking about journeys.

Art – We shall be continuing to look at landscape art and sketching our own design for painting.

Geography – We shall be looking at what happens when a river floods.

SRE – We shall be learning at what is meant by the words ‘relationship’ and ‘love’



Key dates –

11th July – KS1 sports day – A group of Year 5 are helping out with the organisation and running of the event.

12th July – Trip to Sevenoaks Nature Reserve – please make sure you have paid on Parentpay and handed in your slip to your class teacher.