Week beginning 21st March, 2022

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Dear Parents and Carers!

Welcome to Spring 2nd Term week 5.

School starts at 8.55 am and finishes at 3:05 pm. 

Your child’s Mathletics and Google classroom passwords are attached at the back of your child’s yellow reading record book.

We are continuing to learn with lots of adult-led carpet sessions in the classroom and free-flow & choice activities indoors and outdoors.

Thank you for supporting your child’s homework. Please return it by Wednesday 19th January.

If you have any relevant questions,  please contact us via the Year-Group-Email: year1@howard.croydon.sch.uk or the comment feature in Google Classroom. We will aim to respond as quickly as possible.


Our learning for this week………


Thank you for reading with your child. We will change the books on Friday. Please return your child’s reading book back with your comments on your child’s yellow reading records books. Reading books will not be changed without your comments.


Miss Robinson’s Group

Mrs Hunjan’s Group


Mrs Jeevahan’s Group

Mrs Allcorn’s Group


We learning to add one/two more and subtract one less/two less using number lines, numicons and ten frames. We are also learning to solve word problems.


We are learning to group animals by what they eat- Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores.


This we are learning how to print objects and make a picture.



We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please send your children with their PE kits to school on these days.

Sports and P.E. Kit (Boys and Girls):

Blue school T-shirt with logo
Shorts black or navy
Black plimsolls. Trainers can be worn for outdoor sports.

RHE  – Relationship and Health Education

Jigsaw has two aims for all children:

  • To build their capacity for learning
  • To equip them for life

Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. The topic this term is ‘Healthy Me.’ Week 4  lesson.

