Week Beginning 20th January 2020.

Dear Parents, Welcome Back.

This is an exciting term where we are learning about Space, Moon and Neil Armstrong.
Your children are super learners. Please support us by enabling your child to be confident, independent learners by leaving them at the door in the morning to get on with organising themselves with their book bag and coats and promptly starting their Early morning work which consolidates their new learning.

Our context for learning is ‘Now you see me, Now you don’t’.

Our Mathletics Champions from Week beginning 13th January 2020.
Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class : Yusuf (6052 Points)
Vauxhall Class : Aayush (3320 Points)
Silver Award
Lambeth Class : BradyVauxhall Class : Yigit Emre
Bronze Award
Lambeth Class : Tome, Aliyah, Bonnie, Emily, Carlotta, Stanley, Hasan, Yusuf, Sakhile, Olivier, Anaya, Carter
Vauxhall Class : Ishmael, Yigit, Hamza, Elena, Aayush

Our Learning this week…

Our new text is called ‘ The Man on the Moon’- Familiar story. The children will be predicting, questioning, talking about feeling and thoughts about the main character and write a character description.

We continue our learning about time – months of the year, Seasons, using a clock – o’clock, half past . Please practise with your child yesterday was, today is, tomorrow will be.


We will also be learning about weight and capacity – What is heavy/ light, heavier than / lighter than /heaviest / lightest. What is full, half full, empty.

In Science we will continue learning about the winter season – weather, what clothes we wear, plants and animals ( what happens to them), length of the day as well as explore Space focusing on the Earth and the Moon.
Children will be learning about – ‘Dynamic Balance to Agility’- jumping and landing.
We continue our learning about Christianity: We will be discussing lifestyles and celebration: Where do Christians go to worship?
We continuhttps://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/4_7/hectorsworld/Episode1/
Our new topic is ‘We are collectors’. where we find images using the web to help with our learning.
We revisit the Zones of Regulation. Your children are amazing at calming down using a range of breathing techniques. Please ask your child to demonstrate the hand breathing, lazy eight breathing, hexagonal breathing etc..
Children learn to use voices expressively and creatively. They will also develop an understanding of rhythm and tempo.
Please continue to practice sound recognition with your child. Encourage them to apply their phonic knowledge every time you read or write with them.
Please support your child to complete their homework .
Please continue supporting your child to form numbers correctly as well as letters – the correct size and shape. – orientation.