Week beginning 18th October 2021

Happy half term | Clover Hill Primary School

This week, Mr Mbanga will be teaching QE2 class for Music and Miss Blackford shall be teaching Tower Bridge for RE in our foundation subjects this week.

What are we learning this week?

Maths – 

  • To identify and place the position of five-digit multiple of one thousand numbers, on a marked, but unlabelled number line
  • To identify and place the position of six-digit multiple of one thousand numbers, on a marked, but unlabelled number line
  • To count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10, from any multiple of 1,000
  • To explain that 10,000 is composed of 5,000s 2,500s and 2,000s
  • To explain that 100,000 is composed of 50,000s 25,000s and 20,000s
  • To read scales in graphing and measures contexts, by using their knowledge of the composition of 10,000 and 100,000​

English – 

This half term, our English lessons shall be centred around the core text Goodnight Mister Tom. Our weekly objectives include:

  • I can build descriptive vocabulary.
  • I can write a setting description.
  • I can plan, write and edit a book review.

Our class reading book is Carrie’s War, by Nina Bawden. Throughout the week, we shall be writing a book review for Carrie’s War.

Science –

  • Record results and present findings
  • Create an investigation to test what might affect the brightness of a bulb

Music (QE2) – 

  • To listen to music with focus and analysing its composition using musical vocabulary.
  • To relate sound sequences to images .
  • Listening to music focussing on dynamics and texture
  • Developing the use of dynamics in a song ​

RE (Tower) –

This week, we shall be looking at Authority and Worship within the Buddhism religion. Our learning objectives are:

  • Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
  • What caused him to seek enlightenment?
  • How did the Buddha become enlightened?

PE – 

Our PE days are as follows:

QE2 – Tuesday and Thursday

Tower – Tuesday and Friday

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit.


Key Dates

22nd October – Last day of term

31st October – Deadline for secondary school applications