Week beginning 13th September 2021

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What are we learning this week?

Maths – 

  • To correctly represent an equation in a part-whole model
  • To use their knowledge of additive structures to solve problems
  • To calculate the value of a missing parts
  • To solve addition calculations mentally by using known
  • To create stories to correctly match a structure presented in a model


English – 

This half term, our English lessons shall be centred around the core text Goodnight Mister Tom. Our weekly objectives include:

  • I can build character profiles.
  • I can use drama to explore and compare the emotions of various characters.
  • I can compare and contrast settings.
  • I can write in role.
  • I can use a range of sources to explore and broaden my topic-based vocabulary range.

Our class reading book is Carrie’s War, by Nina Bawden. Throughout the week, we shall be encouraging children to make connections across the two texts, as well as completing additional comprehension-based activities.

Science –

  • To investigate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
  • To compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches

Computing – 

Our focus for this week is all about Online Safety. We shall be learning how to de-escalate digital drama, how to identify and report cyberbullying and, finally, learning to find your media balance.

PE – 

Our PE days are as follows:

QE2 – Tuesday and Thursday

Tower – Tuesday and Friday

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit.