Swimming in Year 5

The children in Year 5 will be starting swimming lessons next half term at Whitgift school, as part of their P.E curriculum, on the week beginning 25th February 2019.

Please can you make sure that they bring a swimming costume (preferably NOT a bikini for girls and NOT long shorts for boys), towel and, if they have long hair, a swimming hat all in a bag that can be easily identifiable. Children will be taught how to swim by 2 qualified swimming instructors including a teacher from Whitgift school and no prior knowledge of how to swim is needed.

Children will be assessed the first week and then put into suitable groups with no child entering the deep end unless they can swim a length unaided. A trained lifeguard will also be present.

Please remind your child to remember to bring their swimming costume into school on a Tuesday morning every week unless told not to.  It is important that your child attends these lessons so that they become competent swimmers which is a necessary life skill as they get older.  Whitgift School charge us to take the children swimming but we do not pass these costs on to you.  Your child needs to understand that swimming lessons can cost anything up to £100 per term so by getting them free through school, it is an opportunity not be missed!

We would also ask that your child does not bring any aerosol deodorants or sprays when going swimming.  The changing rooms are small and sprays can aggravate children who have breathing difficulties.

If there are any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to Miss Handley.