
Week Beginning 14th November

November 13, 2022

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will work on our multiplication skills.
  • In English we will continue work around Greek Myths by Marcia Williams but we will explore a new story from that book, The Twelve Tasks of Heracles. We will create our own comic strips based on the book.
  • In science we will continue work around teeth and digestion.
  • Our blocked foundation subject is History. We will learn about the Ancient Greeks.

Millennium Class will do PE on Tuesday and Friday. Southwark Class have swimming on Tuesday and PE on Friday.

Millennium Class will be taught by Miss Winser this week as Mrs Fallon has been called for Jury Service.

We look forward to our cinema visit on Wednesday. Please make sure that children are wearing comfortable shoes and have a waterproof coat or jacket.


Week Beginning 7th November

November 6, 2022

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue learning on perimeter.
  • In English we will learn about the features of a letter and the plan and write a letter in role as Epimetheus from the myth of Pandora’s box.
  • In science we will begin a new unit of work on teeth and digestion.
  • In RHE we will learn about internet safety.
  • Our blocked foundation subject is computing. We will develop our programming skills using Scratch to create an educational game.

Millennium will do PE on Tuesday and Friday and should come to school in PE kit on both of those days. Southwark Class will swim on Tuesday and do PE on Thursday.

Parents’ appointments will be during the week beginning 14th November. Parents of children in Southwark Class can book appointments using School Cloud. Mrs Fallon is on Jury service during the fortnight beginning 14th November. She will be able to see parents from 6pm on Wednesday 16th. There will be further opportunities to see her during the week beginning 28th November.