
Welcome to Hungerford Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Agyemang

Teaching assistant: Ms Jones


April 26, 2018



We are continuing with our focus on a losing tale where a character loses a precious item. We will be using Julia Donalsdon’s story Monkey Puzzle as a stimulus for our writing.

We will be innovating a prequel and sequel for the original story. For example, what were baby monkey and mummy monkey doing before they lost one another. The ending will focus on how they intend to stay safe and together in the future.


We have come to the end of Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Hungerford Class absolutely loved the story. Our next class read will be Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo.


We have come to the end of our work on fractions and will be moving onto measure. Please see some examples relating to our fractions work below.

Our learning objectives will be as follows: to measure length in cm, to measure length in metres, to compare lengths, to order lengths and to use the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to problem solve about length.


Zippy’s Friends- we will be moving onto a new unit.


Monday: basketball.

Wednesday: skipping skills.


Week beginning 23rd April

April 19, 2018

Please accept my apologies for not posting a blog for last week!

We have had a fantastic first week back. I have been so impressed with the focus shown by all of the children at the start of our third and final term!


We are continuing with our focus on a losing tale where a character loses a precious item. We will be using Julia Donalsdon’s story Monkey Puzzle as a stimulus for our writing.

The children will be designing a missing poster for Mummy Monkey with a focus on expanded noun phrases. Our SPaG focus will be on subordinating conjunctions and using apostrophe’s for possession.


We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We are able to talk about the story & characters and are able to make predictions about what may happen in the text.


We are continuing to learn about fractions this week.

We have learnt about halves and quarters already- thinking about how they need to be equal parts of a shape or equal groups for an amount.

This week we are looking at unit fractions and comparing 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3’s before moving on to recognising and calculating 2/3’s and 3/4’s. We will also be learning about the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4’s.

Later on in the week we will be moving on to our next unit: measurement.


Zippy’s Friends- what makes a good friend.


Monday: basketball.

Wednesday: skipping skills.


We will be looking at the different foods that omnivores, carnivores and herbivores eat.

Other information

Sorry that I have not yet marked/ sent back the half term homework. I mark this in my own time and have not found the time this week. I will hand it back by the end of next week. Thank you in advance for your understanding.